Welcome to my world of dressing up and going to Dicken’s Fair or donning my best Steampunk outfit for Clockwork Alchemy or a day at the Renaissance Fair , I always have my carpet bag or Leather pouch or drinking horn to complete my ensemble.

I love attending cons, fairs and all historical (ish) events that I can, and so I wanted to share my love of time and travel to bring you artisan crafted , handmade carpet bags, leather pouches and reticules to finish off your outfit.

I am Michele and I love to dress up in a time period and go live a day or weekend in another place in time. I have been creating my art for over 25 years. I started with the Society for Creative Anachronism and have ventured out to other realms like, Dicken’s Fair (San Francisco), Clockwork Alchemy (California), SCA (California), Celtic Fair (California) and many others.

So I hope you enjoy the products that I make!.

Happy Traveling!
